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Description of WCWF

The working with poor and disempowered people in India are rural area in Utter Pradesh, Karnataka, west Bengal, Maharashtra, Rajstan, Asaam, these areas highly effected by human trafficking ,, because of less opportunities in jobs, education and awareness , due to this many people mainly females are targeting of human trafficking and forced in to sex trade market, aprt of this the same problem is in our neighbor country like Bangladesh and Nepal, since last more then 10 years I have rescued many minor and major girls from brothels who were forced in sex trade market, may of the victims have been trafficked by own family members and close relative and 50% by unknown person … Human trafficking is very well manual systemized crime in world and lots of org working together and rescuing trafficked victims from red light after identifying them in brothel area... in my job I have worked with partner local NGOs, community based organizations and Govt stakeholders of source and destination org and tried to give 100% effort for their reintegration, after completing all legal and no legal process… we need to stop un safe migration and need to give sustainability in life at home..

Our Vision

Professionalism of WCWF: Recognizing the minor’s n forced major girls who have been subjected to abuse beyond our imagination, deserve the absolute best, we work with very experienced and skilled staff and partners and immediately make plans with the help of local police and CBI for rescue operation, under observation of home ministry..

International vision of WCWF: Because trafficking doesn’t stop at borders, our approach to fighting trafficking has to be international. This is why we partner with government agencies and NGOs in different countries like Nepal Org and Bangladesh. We believe multidisciplinary approach jointly work together in the interest of a victim of trafficking.

Partnerships and bonding: WCWF believes that strong partnerships with law enforcement, community organizations and NGOs will result in better support for victims of trafficking. For prevention of trafficking we search for to support women and children in every aspect of life we do advocacy with local police and print media journalist, because journalism is a strong resources to pass your message to people and govt.