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1. Rehabilitation:

Accommodate these girls in Govt protective homes WCWF following services there,

a) Health care programs

  • Once the girls are admitted in Govt Protective Home, Almost all are suffering from one disease or the other. They are then taken to a nearby hospital & laboratory for age verification and advanced consultancy & check-ups of blood, urine etc. if necessary.
  • Basic treatment for early stage HIV/AIDS is given by us but any advanced treatment is not possible as the cost of consultancy and medication is prohibitively expensive.
  • Health care programs in communities and villages mainly women related health issues .

b) Legal aid:

  • We lodge complaints in court of law and produce them as witnesses. Our lawyer assisted by social worker manages the legal Issues.
  • Legally we have to approached CBO for the Home Inquiry report for further reintegration and procedure..
  • CWC order we have to produce girls before penal of Cwc for rehabilitation updation.
  • We have been successful in obtaining convictions for brothel keepers and traffickers involving jail sentence for seven years.

c) Vocational training:

  • Vocational Training is very important segment of rehabilitation. Besides the basic and formal and non-formal education, it includes training for Tailoring, Crafts, Beautician jewelry designing
  • After vocational counseling and life skill programs victims can sustain themselves and support their families throughout life after repatriated.

d) Psycho-social training:

As these girls have undergone inhuman treatment in brothels to force them to prostitute and lose all their humans rights, they are so traumatized that they lose faith in mankind. Therefore they need psycho-social counseling by patient counselors in every stage in life. There are three phases which are as under.

2. Repatriation and reintegration

a) Repatriation:

  • Mainly after the legal procedures are over we contact either their families or the respective NGO (non-government organization) situated in the vicinity of their homes and repatriate the girls accompanied by our two staff members to either their homes or to source NGO. While repatriating we provide them with the day-to-day necessities of life so that they are not inconvenienced during the journey and immediately on reaching the destination.
  • Girls who cannot be repatriated due to one reason or other are either absorbed by us or by source NGO or. We find suitable jobs for them and entrepreneurship.
  • We also provide technical resource to organization to build capacity and skill development , directly and indirectly we sustain and empowerment of children and adolescents and help them in to skill development and capacity building programs by workshop / seminars and consultation

Advocacy and Training…Provide police training and advocacy after rescue by work shop , seminars and training