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Human Trafficking is second largest criminal industry in the world. An estimated 27 million people are trafficked for forced labor or sexual exploitation.. In India a child is cheaper to buy than your HOUSE. Every 30 seconds another child is taken.

CAN we stand together and combat human trafficking…..

Let’s stand against injustice, be our voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, and help rescue those that are held captive. We are ordinary people banding together to see something extraordinary happen together combat Human trafficking prevent child and women from sex slavery …

We are so glad that you have a desire to help fight human trafficking. One of our goals at WCWF is to help facilitate your desire to help because we know the feeling of, "I want to help, but what can I possibly do?" all too well.

WCWF has many ways for you to get involved. Look around and see which one works for you.

You can make a difference!

How You can help us... By

  • Volunteer Services which can be full time and part time … Rescuing and prevention and by campaign
  • By Donation for rescue operation cost/ rehabilitation cost/ Repatriation cost / admin cost...

Please Donate Us....