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1. Investigation and Identification:

  • We investigate and verify the identity & location of a particular missing complaint or investigation reports regarding existence of minor girls in a particular brothel, complain register by networking NGOs in India (West Bengal and Hyderabad), Nepal and Bangladesh.
  • At the time of in-brothel counseling, one particular girl is identified or selected we conduct rescue operation in that brothel.

2. Rescue:

  • We conduct rescue raids accompanied by Police without informing destination because many times due to leakage of information, mostly minor girls are hidden by the brothel keepers in the hidden cells. These cells are built into the walls and ceilings of the brothels. The girls are crammed into such cells to hide them from us.
  • We locate such cells and liberate the girls hidden in the cells.
  • After rescue, the rescued girls are produced in the court within 24 hours by the police.
  • The court decides which girls to be keep in to shelter home for safe custody for rehabilitation, direction to WCWF to provide services for rehabilitation.