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Dear Well - wishers of my daughter, Ms Kavita Saxena, who started a mission to combat human trafficking in WCWF.

I bless my daughter, who has given 100 percent of her dedication and effort to WCWF. I will always be thankful to the valued support you have given to Kavita Saxena, she has made good progress in WCWF by rescuing, rehabilitating, repatriating and re-integrating the unfortunate victims of human trafficking who were sold for forced prostitution in sex trade
market. After her successful career combating human trafficking, Kavita now is moving ahead with her own registered Trust “Woman and Child Welfare Foundation ( Vision of new life ) As she has made good progress in WCWF in rescuing, rehabilitating, repatriating and reintegrating the unfortunate victims of Human trafficking who are sold for forced prostitution in sex trade market.. but after her successful career with combat human trafficking now kavita moving ahead with own registered Trust“ woman and child welfare Foundation” Vision of new life for trafficked survivors“ for rescuing the girls from sex trade market and send them back to the society with their respect and dignity and I assure all of you she will again give new aspect, I emphatically state that all progress would be possible with your generous support only.

With Best Regards,
Mrs Prem lata saxena